Driving Country-Level Change: Women in Health Leadership

Driving Country Level Change, WIHL is a project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and implemented by Kenya Healthcare Federation in partnership with Strathmore University Business School for a period of three (3) years. The project seeks to drive organizational change with regards to women leadership in mid-to-senior level positions across the Kenyan health sector.
Following a comprehensive strategy process, the Foundation’s women in leadership (WIL) team began its country-level scoping, planning, and implementation efforts. With some country-specific research and baselining efforts already underway and concluded, the objective was to map women’s career pipelines in health and analyze the contextual factors (including organizational and national policies) that enable or disable women’s participation and/or advancement in the workplace. In addition to these research investments, the Foundation sought to initiate scoping and landscaping to move the organizational and advocacy pillars forward in each focus country.
Project Workstreams
Workstream 1: Consortium leadership and project management being undertaken by SBS.
Workstream 2: Locally centered organizational change being undertaken by SBS.
Workstream 3: Locally driven and nationally relevant advocacy being implemented collaboratively by KHF & SBS.
The project is being implemented in Kenya, Nigeria, and India.