
The 2nd KHF CEOS’ Forum

Kenya Healthcare Federation hosted the second KHF CEOs’ Forum at Serena Hotel. The CEOs forum brings together thought leaders from the entire health sector spectrum drawn from KHF Membership and beyond to discuss emerging issues and to network in order to map out new opportunities for collaboration. In his opening remarks, Dr. Kanyenje Gakombe, Chairman, Kenya Healthcare Federation noted …

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National Health Insurance Fund meeting with Kenya Healthcare Federation

Kenya Healthcare Federation led by the Chairman Dr. Kanyenje Gakombe, CEO Dr. Anastasia Nyalita, and the Board Director lead for Healthcare Financing Committee, Dr. Walter Obita, held a meeting with the National Hospital Insurance Fund – Kenya led by the CEO Dr. Peter Kamunyo, NHIF Head of Benefits and Claims Dr. Samson Kuhora, NHIF Legal Services Janet Boit and Grace Kimani, and NHIF Ag. Director of …

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The 14th KHF Annual General Meeting

Kenya Healthcare Federation held its 14th Annual General Meeting focusing on the Chairman and CEO’s report for 2021 highlighting the successes and achievements in Health, Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2021, appointments of auditors and authorizing the directors to fix the remuneration of the auditors. Dr. Kanyenje Gakombe, Chairman and Dr. Anastasia …

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Damu-Ke Conference

Kenya Healthcare Federation participated in the 3-day Damu-KE Conference at Windsor Hotel and Country Club themed; The future of blood transfusion and transplant: Transforming blood transfusion and transplant services for improved health outcomes in Kenya. We were delighted to host Hon. Sen Mutahi Kagwe, CS Health accompanied by Dr. Susan Mochache, PS Health at our …

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Strengthening of the collaboration between France and Kenya in the field of Health

French Healthcare Association is glad to announce its future collaboration with the Kenya Healthcare Federation, with the goal of fostering the development of relationships between French and Kenyan healthcare organizations, sharing the same vision and mission toward high quality and affordable healthcare. The Kenya Healthcare Federation is the Health Sector Board of the Kenya Private Sector …

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1st Kenya UK Health Alliance – A health Improvement and Investment Summit

Kenya Healthcare Federation participated in the 1st Kenya UK Health Alliance – a health improvement and investment summit that brought together local and international partners from the UK. The goal of the summit was to explore potential areas of collaboration between KUKHA alliance partner organizations in Kenya and the UK. Other partners present included; The Ministry of …

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KHF paid a courtesy call to Global Compact Network Kenya

On June 3rd, Dr. Anastasia Nyalita, CEO Kenya Healthcare Federation, paid a courtesy call to Judy Njino, Executive Director, Global Compact Network Kenya (GCNK) to discuss areas of potential partnerships and collaborations. The key focus areas were building capacity and awareness of ethics in achieving quality healthcare by providing sustainable solutions in key thematic areas of healthcare sector.

Policyholders Compensation Fund Meeting

Kenya Healthcare Federation held a meeting with the Policyholders Compensation Fund. The meeting was led by the William Masita, Managing Trustee, Policyholders Compensation Fund and Dr. Anastasia Nyalita, CEO, Kenya Healthcare Federation. The main focus area was the outstanding debts owed to private health facilities by Resolution Insurance Limited. 1. PCF advised Facilities to provide as much information on …

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KHF welcomes African Medicines Agency treaty cabinet approval

Kenya Healthcare Federation has welcomed the cabinet’s approval to ratify the African Medicines Agency (AMA) Treaty. On Thursday 15th May, the Cabinet chaired by President Uhuru Kenyatta approved the ratification of the African Union Treaty for the establishment of the AMA. The AMA Treaty entered into force on November 5, 2021, upon depositing the 15th Instrument …

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