1st Kenya UK Health Alliance – A health Improvement and Investment Summit

Kenya Healthcare Federation participated in the 1st Kenya UK Health Alliance – a health improvement and investment summit that brought together local and international partners from the UK. The goal of the summit was to explore potential areas of collaboration between KUKHA alliance partner organizations in Kenya and the UK.

Other partners present included; The Ministry of Health, Kenya, Ministry of Education, AMREFKisii UniversityMaseno UniversityMasinde Muliro University of Science and TechnologyEgerton UniversityThe University of ManchesterUniversity of NottinghamStaffordshire University, Kenya UK High Commission, British High Commission, Wellcome TrustPharmaceutical Society of Kenya and KEMSA.

Dr. Anastasia Nyalita, CEO, Kenya Healthcare Federation moderated a panel on Research and climate change post Covid 19 Pandemic where the panel members highlighted areas of success and areas of collaboration under the theme.

The meeting was concluded with an agreement among the partners present to:
•Explore areas of collaboration
•Create an environment for innovations to thrive in our institutions
•Foster cross sectoral partnerships to accelerate the development and achievement of UHC

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