“Accelerating Circularity: Trends and Opportunities in Kenya” was the timely theme of a recent one-day hybrid conference held on the vital topic of adopting a Circular Economy model in Kenya. Organized by Sustainable Inclusive Business (SIB-K) as part of the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), in partnership with The Rock Group (TRG), the conference consisted of a plenary session in the morning, featuring welcome remarks from Karin Boomsma, Director of SIB-K, and cross-sectoral visionary statements on the Circular Economy from various speakers including Ms. Carol Kariuki (CEO, KEPSA) and a representative of PS Mary Muthoni (Principal Secretary, State Department for Public Health & Professional Standards)
In the mid-morning, participants attended break-out sessions on various themes relating to the Circular Economy, and in the afternoon, there was a practical masterclass on two elements of the Circular Economy. Two KHF team members, Ms. Charity Kamau (Head of Programs) and Ms. Roseanne Kinyua (Senior Programs Officer), attended this conference virtually. Key takeaways from the conference were that the Circular Economy is not just a buzzword but a vision for the future, and circularity must be underpinned in every facet of production and promoted in our academic and research institutions. However, this will only be accomplished if the private and public sectors and all stakeholders work together towards this important goal.
8th Annual Circular Economy Conference
