Kenya Healthcare Federation in partnership with PharmAccess Foundation, ThinkWell Global, Illumina, and NHIF, hosted the Annual Health Summit with a focus on Health Financing, discussions focussed on the NHIF reforms, Health Financing solutions, and the role of key players in Health systems Financing in the progression of Universal Health Coverage.
Opening remarks by Prof. Gilbert Kokwaro, Professor of Health Systems Research and Director, Institute of Healthcare Management, Strathmore University Business School, and Dr. Anastasia Nyalita, Chief Executive Officer, Kenya Healthcare Federation. They highlighted key areas of health financing: Resource mobilization, How the resources for health are currently raised, and what the NHIF reforms aim at increasing its resources?
Prof. Edwine Barasa, Deputy Executive Director, KEMRI gave his remarks on Health Financing: The Issues, the challenges, the successes, and the current situation analysis of Financing Health in Kenya. Countries must raise adequate funds, reduce their reliance on direct payments for services and improve efficiency and equity in the use of funds.
Rose Nakhungu, Senior Assistant Manager, Legal Services, NHIF shared a presentation on NHIF Overview and Key highlights on amended NHIF Acts and Rules. She emphasized the new Benefit Packages for the 2022/2024 contracting cycle with new contracts expected to be furnished to the providers.
Dr. Josea Rono, Managing Partner, E & K Consulting Firm moderated the first Panel Session of the Annual Health Summit focusing on Investing in human health by unlocking the power of the genome, together with Moyo Yolanda, Head of Government Affairs Africa, Illumina, Dr. Lucas Nyabero, CEO, Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya, Dr. Damaris Matoke, Deputy Director, Biotechnology, Research Program, KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme and Johnpaul Omollo, Senior Advocacy, and Policy Officer, PATH.
Dr. Walter Obita, Board Director, KHF led a panel discussion on Revenue Collection/Resource Mobilization, with emphasis on improving the functions of the health financing system to optimize resource mobilization, efficiency, and equity. Together with Brendan Kwesiga, Technical Officer – Health Financing (WHO), Dr. Rispah Walumbe Health Policy Advisor AMREF, Dr. Elijah Matolo, Medical Practice Manager, UAP Insurance, and Dr. Wangari Nganga, Senior Health Advisor Executive Office of the President.
Spotlight Session – Dr. Wasunna Owino, Country Director Kenya, PharmAccess Foundation gave a presentation on the PharmAccess approach in building trust and confidence in health systems, through capitalizing on digital innovations, sustainable approaches, and public-private partnerships towards making Universal Health Coverage a reality
Anita Musiega, Ph.D. Student – Health Economics Research Unit, KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme led a panel discussion on Resource and Risk Pooling emphasis on the existing pools in the Health Sector to ensure coherence and equity, and the current pooling arrangements in enhancing financial risk protection. Together with Moses Kuria, Managing Director, CarePay, Robert Rapando, Health Systems Strengthening Specialist, Amref Health Africa, and Dr. Mike Mulongo, International Health Specialist, Independent Consultancy.
Spotlight Session – Terry Ramadhani, Chief Executive Officer, KEMSA gave a presentation of KEMSA overview, Strategy, Successes, and Challenges. Key Highlights of the Strategy in regard to Operation Excellence, Customer Experience, Financial Sustainability, and People & Culture.
Day 1 of the Annual Health Summit ended with various Roundtable discussions led by Oludare Bonudrin, Acting Director, SPARC, Dr. Joanne Rotich, Associate Director, Equity Foundation, Dr. Lizah Nyawira, Researcher & Health Economist and Anita Musiega, Ph.D. Student – Health Economics Research UnitKEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme.
Day 2 of the Annual Health Summit, began with the previous day’s report backs from the various roundtable discussions. Discussions revolved around key areas of health financing. This was followed up by a panel session on Purchasing led by Dr. Jackline Aridi, Faculty, Strathmore Business School, together with Boniface Mbuthia, Technical Advisor, ThinkWell Global, Dr. Samson Kuhora, Head of Benefits and Claims, NHIF, and Dr. Matiko Riro, Regional Technical Advisor Health Financing, Clinton Health Access Initiative.
Spotlight Address – Dr. Anne Musuva, Country Director, ThinkWell Global gave a presentation on Financing Primary Healthcare: Funds flow to frontline providers with an emphasis on Strategic Purchasing for Primary Health Care. Key Highlights on Financial autonomy as a key driver for improved service delivery and opportunities to improve HRH efficiencies.
Shadrack Gikonyo, Senior Officer, Country Engagement, Strategic Purchasing Africa Resource Centre gave his remarks on Payer-Provider Engagement. Highlighting the Dissemination of the Payer-Provider Report, Policy Brief, and next steps toward mediating a cohesive engagement between the providers and payers in the Health Sector.
Strengthening provider-payer engagements can be leveraged as a strategic health purchasing reform to accelerate progress toward universal health coverage in Kenya
Dr. Dennis Okaka, Vice Chair, Health Financing Committee, KHF, and Eric Tama, Doctoral Fellow, SBS highlighted the way forward on Resolutions and Policy Directions, with emphasis on Efficiency in the management and use of available resources. Mobilization of the resources needed to provide essential health services to the population.
Dr. Anastasia Nyalita, CEO of, KHF, and Dr. Ben Ngoye, Clinician and Public Health and Organizational Development Professional, SBS gave their closing remarks, charting the way forward and thanking PharmAccess Foundation, ThinkWell Global, Illumina and NHIF, and other stakeholders for partnering to host the summit; and all KHF members and other delegates for participating in the panel sessions, roundtable discussions and sharing their insightful inputs and participation and support towards making the Annual Health Summit a success.