The 2nd KHF CEOS’ Forum

Kenya Healthcare Federation hosted the second KHF CEOs’ Forum at Serena Hotel. The CEOs forum brings together thought leaders from the entire health sector spectrum drawn from KHF Membership and beyond to discuss emerging issues and to network in order to map out new opportunities for collaboration.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Kanyenje Gakombe, Chairman, Kenya Healthcare Federation noted that the breakfast meeting hosted in partnership with AMREF Flying Doctors was with an aim of discussing the upcoming challenges facing the healthcare space. He highlighted on the discussions held by Kenya Healthcare Federation and other regulatory bodies on the emerging issue of outstanding debts owed to private health facilities by Resolution Insurance Limited.

, Chief Executive Officer, AMREF Flying Doctors made a presentation on Emergency Medical Evacuation Services at the CEOs forum. He stated that AMREF Flying Doctors is the only air ambulance service provider in East Africa that has been in the aeromedical transport; providing services such as air ambulance services, medical assistance services, emergency life support skills training among others. “Maisha is an Air and Ground Ambulance Plan aimed at providing quality and affordable medical evacuation services throughout the East Africa Region”, He emphasized.

DOUGLAS MUGENDI MBURIA, Director, Compensation & Insurance Risk Monitoring, Policyholders Compensation Fund made his remarks on matters concerned with the Policyholders Compensation Fund. Following an interactive Q&A session moderated by Dr. Anastasia Nyalita, CEO, Kenya Healthcare Federation, Mr. Douglas updated and elaborated the KHF Members on compensation process; advising the affected facilities to provide as much information on the unpaid claims as possible, accompanied by a letter to the Managing Trustee, so as to initiate the process of verification of the claims. Kalai Musee, Senior Manager, Licensing & Enforcement, Insurance Regulatory Authority made his remarks on matters concerned with the Insurance Regulatory Authority. He emphasized on the need for continued engagement, pointing out inefficiencies within the regulations and inviting contributions to amend the regulations. Mr. Kalai advised KHF Members to submit, through Kenya Healthcare Federation, any other Health Insurance Challenges they may be facing with other Insurance Providers.

Hazel Ojany, Africa Business Strategist, Lebombo gave a brief presentation on Data Protection and privacy. She highlighted the need for KHF Members and the entire Health Sector to register with the Data Commissioner in accordance with the Data Protection Act, No 24. of 2019. She empathized that the Healthcare Industry was the top industry in average total cost of data breach. “Majority of healthcare breaches come from inside the organizations.” She concluded.

Dr. Walter Obita, KHF Director gave the closing remarks and a vote of thanks to the sponsors; AMREF Flying Doctors and MEDIHEAL GROUP OF HOSPITALS, KHF Members, the present regulatory bodies and other stakeholders who arrived at the CEOs’ Forum and made it a success.

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