Medical Exellence Japan(MEJ) prepares for the first Public –Private Mission(PPM)
The Medical Exellence Japan(MEJ) team visited Kenya from 26th November to 1st December 2018 in preparation for the first Public –Private Mission that will be held in Nairobi, in the month of February 2019.The MEJ shall conduct the mission in partnership with Kenya Healthcare Federation.The main aim of the pre-visit by the MEJ team was to invite Kenya to participate in their programs and collaborations. Some of the companies and organizations that were visited include: Ministry of Health, Kenyatta National Hospital, The Nairobi Hospital, M P Shah Hospital, Council of Governors, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Fountain Healthcare Eldoret Hospital and Mediheal Hospital & Fertility Center. In preparation to the PPM, one of the areas the team was focusing on was getting to know the impression or specific opinions on Japanese products and services and the impression on an interview with Dr. Joan Osoro, AD, Medical Services & Research ,Nairobi Hospital she applauded the Japanese brands in medical equipment and products “ Quality-wise, we know Japan and its brand reputations. Japan should consider what would be the strong/appealing points to introduce their equipment or services to our hospital. This is a good idea. We would like to hear more options from Japanese companies.” Dr. Joan Osoro, AD, Medical Services & Research, Nairobi Hospital.

Ms. Doris Kimbui, Nursing Officer in charge of resource mobilization and Mr. Kennedy Mbogo Liaison Officer from Kenyatta National Hospital welcomed the Japanese team by applauding the idea of PPM, From Ms. Doris and Mr. Kennedy view the Japanese equipment and products are of high and excellent quality, however they welcomed the team to the hospital in the month of February Where they requested them to have only ten delegation.
During a visit to the council of governors(COG) office, Hon. Meshack Ndolo, Senior Health System Advisor informed the MEJ team that the devolved government system in Kenya has significantly increased county level decision-space on diverse tasks. COG takes its leadership to organize and run each committees for providing solutions to diverse issues. “As for the Health committee, H.E. Mohammed Kuti; the Governor of the Isiolo County is the Chairman. Emerging issues are Human Resources and Capacity Building in the healthcare field. To get to know more about our ongoing projects, please visit our site. Quality-wise, we know Japan and its brand reputations and it has excelled.” Hon. Meshack Ndolo, Senior Health System Advisor, Council of Governors.
Mr. Reyaz Shariff, Director of Operations and Dr. Vishal R. Patel, Assistant Medical Director, In charge ICU,welcomed the MEJ team to M P Shah Hospital.During an interview,the M.P Shah officials informed the Japanese team that M P Shah hospital operates under the umbrella of the Social Service League which is a non-racial, non-religious, non-political charitable institution and cares for the patient along with it’s policy and it’s the ‘one-stop healthcare provider in East and Central Africa.’
“In terms of a patient-nurse ratio, our hospitals provides “1 patient : 1 nurse” service, while other hospitals are “3 patients : 1 nurse. We opened a new hospital in Village Market, near the trademark hotel recently. We are about to open the MRI center, too. This is a good idea. We understand that you want to enhance the presence of Japanese products in Kenya, which is significant. However, how would you do it? You should think deeply and logically about how would you enter the market and how would you set up the specific strategies. However, we also recognize Japanese companies are trying to work on providing after care services. To minimize a down time of the devices is critical. Speaking of GE and Phillips, their backup/follow up services are fairly good. Japanese (companies) should consider the reason why we need to buy your products. You must tell us your story”. Dr. Vishal R. Patel, Assistant Medical Director, M P Shah Hospital.
Prof. Lukoye Atwoli, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital who welcomed the MEJ team to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital informed them that the hospital is currently working on a new project of expanding and establishing the largest hospital in the western region. “As for the teaching side; Moi Teaching University is composed of approximately 1,200 students from not only Kenya but also many other regions, such as Tanzania, Rwanda, Somali land, and Lesotho etc. Our two facilities; University side and Hospital side are well combined as one. In terms of the care program, our counterpart is USAID. This is a five-year program, quality-wise, we know Japan and its brand reputations which score a high mark. Japanese (companies) should consider the reason why we need to buy your products. You must tell us your story”. Prof. Lukoye Atwoli, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital.
Dr. Andrew Wandera, Consultant Surgeon, Fountain Healthcare welcomed the MEJ team to Fountain Healthcare, by noting that it was the very first time to welcome the people from Japan. He applauded the Japanese products as excellent “Speaking of quality, the Japanese and its products are good, but we hardly see the Japanese products here. This is a good idea. We understand that you want to enhance the presence of Japanese products in Kenya, which is significant. We don’t think Japan’s presence is strong here in Kenya except TOYOTA, We would like to know how to use a simple device more effectively to diagnose diseases. We maybe need high-end types of equipment in the future, but it’s not now. Acquiring more knowledge from a company who sold the device to us, and letting technicians more professional are the crucial things for us”. Dr. Andrew Wandera, Consultant Surgeon, Fountain Healthcare.
Mr. Miten V. Lodhia, Finance Director and Dr. Neelesh Aggarwal Director from Eldoret Hospital Pharmaceutical limited informed the MEJ team that they run hospitals and a distributing company; Eldoret Hospital Pharmaceuticals Ltd, in Kenya where they also supply medicines to the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital as well as the other hospitals in the regions.

“We understand that you are going to hold the PPM in Nairobi. However, you need to explain to us why we should have your companies and devices here in Kenya. Quality-wise, we know Japan and its brand reputations, but the word “Quality” is not belonging to you anymore, is belonging to any companies all over the world. You may need to consider and set up a good narrative to provide your products to us. You may need to convince us in a good way.” Dr. Neelesh Aggarwal Director, Eldoret Hospital Pharmaceutical limited.