Kenya Healthcare Federation(KHF) Leadership Team First Meeting with the Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Health
The Kenya Healthcare Federation (KHF) Leadership Team and Ministry of Health(MOH) had a courtesy call with the Cabinet Secretary of Health Mrs. Sicily Kariuki to plan for the upcoming Ministerial Stakeholders Forum (MSF).
KHF and MOH officials briefed the CS on the past six MSF engagements and the progress achieved in the past years. The Health Bill 2016 that subsequently become an act in 2017 and is currently under implementation is one of the success cases where KHF has worked with the Ministry through the MSF. Taxation waiver on imported pharmaceutical raw materials, implementation on the Joint Inspection Checklist and discussions on VAT on medical devices are some of the industry healthcare matters discussed within MSF in 2017.

Kenya Healthcare Federation team and the Ministry of Health during the meeting with the Cabinet secretary – Ministry of Health Mrs. Sicily Kariuki
This year the private sector plans to work with the Ministry to accelerate healthcare access by encouraging local manufacturing of medicines with commitment towards quality and affordability, Promoting the concept of UHC in partnership with county governments towards achieving affordable healthcare for all in keeping with the Big 4 agenda, interface with the government on problem solving opportunities within the ICT sector through data sharing and interoperability, Educating the counties on PPP acts guided under the national PPP framework is also key as KHF is now working closely and directly with the county governments to achieve deepen affordable healthcare for all.
The Cabinet Secretary urged KHF on the need to invest more on health to deliver on UHC with pooled investments. She commended the private sector efficiency and innovation in delivering healthcare within satisfactory timelines and commits the governments’ interest to work with private sector and achieve quality and accessible healthcare. She advised KHF to continue working with the Governor of Isiolo County Hon Mohamed Kuti as he is a very resourceful towards demand driven engagements.
There are great investments opportunities in the healthcare sector in Kenya from all over the world that needs clear definition of partnership structures with value add towards achieving UHC. KHF and MOH will hence work together and evaluate tangible impact in unlocking these opportunities.

The cabinet Secretary Mrs.Sicily Kariuki with Kenya Healthcare
Federation chairman.Dr Amit Thakker during the meeting.