The meeting was supported by the Multi Stakeholder Partnership Kenya (MSP-K) who shared a presentation on what can Kenya do to meet the growing HRH need with a special focus on specialized health cadres. MSP strives to engage intense advocacy, quality training and deployment of specialized carders. MSP is collaboration between AMREF Health Kenya, Malteser International and Kenya Healthcare Federation (KHF) established to stimulate the strengthening of health systems services in Kenya through the inclusion of specialized services.
The members meeting was chaired by Dr. Amit N. Thakker and attended by over 70 members and guests, deliberated on various priority areas for the federation for the year 2018. Partnerships with key stakeholders like FBOs, KEPSA, SRT, NGOs, MOH and County Governments is key this year for a productive membership value. Other major activities highlighted included projects, bi-monthly members meetings, annual national and regional and International conferences e.g. The Kenya Medical Association Annual Scientific conference and the EAHF conference, regular healthcare workshops and the KHF Annual General Meeting.
The KHF six committees which has this year attracted massive membership participation presented the below focus areas for this year.

he health systems through various advocacy channels to deliver better healthcare policies and regulations to its members. KHF is wishing you a healthy month and year ahead as we look forward to more updates in the month of May 2018 with KHF Newsletter.
“Your daily peek behind the health scenes at KHF, with exclusive sustainability news resources, tips and more”