Prime Minister of Rwanda, Hon. Anastase Murekezi, addresses the participants during the opening ceremony of EAHF Conference 2015
Rwanda Healthcare Federation hosted the East African Healthcare Federation (EAHF) Conference 2015 in Kigali, Rwanda from 17th– 19th May, 2015 at a Rwanda hotel. The Conference’s theme was ‘The Role of the Private Sector in Financial sustainability of Healthcare Delivery Systems.’
The conference was organized into different sessions where different issues within the health sector got to be addressed, among them innovative models for access to healthcare; new regional trends in technology and health; aligning partnership with the private sector (PPPs); Regulations and government policies; Community empowerment through healthcare; Role played by the Private Sector in the Ebola epidemic; Competitive edge improving financial sustainability; Emerging trends in medical travel and tourism; and Key health priorities In the East African region.

Dr. Amit N. Thakker, CEO-KHF walks in with the Hon. Anastase Murekezi, Prime Minister of Rwanda for the Opening Ceremony
There was a good representation of delegates from all 5 East African countries among them participants from both the private and public sectors. With their participation in the two days, the outcomes from the conference were as follows: Reinforcing Public Private Dialogue in the healthcare industry in Rwanda; Improved harmonization of regulation at regional level for the healthcare industry Increase investment in the; Rwanda healthcare industry through collaboration with regional and national enterprises(private healthcare facilities, diagnostic centers, laboratories, pharmaceutical distributors, and improved benefit packages offered by the insurance industry); Defining the roadmap in achieving universal healthcare coverage in EAC; Human Resources for health; improved collaboration with academia and higher education facilities within EAC that will improve the skill based and the quantity of healthcare within Rwanda which will directly impact on increased inbound medical travel .

(L-R) Danny Mutembe, Conference Director 2015, Hon. Dr. Agnes Binagwaho, Minister of Health- Rwanda, Dr. Amit N. Thakker, CEO- KHF