KHF Supply chain committee to engage KEMSA on UHC pilot supply chain
The supply chain committee of Kenya Healthcare Federation met on 19th March 2019 at KHF offices to outline the 2019 focus areas. The meeting was chaired the committee vice chair, Dr. Chris Masila and the committee director Dr. Anastacia Nyalita. In her opening remarks, Dr. Nyalita updated the committee that the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) has submitted the draft rules on regulation of parallel importation to the Ministry of Health (MoH) The Supply Chain Committee through Ministerial Stakeholder Forum has been advocating for the promotion of local manufacturers. This discussion has been taken up by Dr. Fred Matiangi’s team working under Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) and together with Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM), there has been much progress made although the outcome of the discussions have not been released.
During the supply chain committee discussions, it emerged that the exact role of supply chain in the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) pilot counties was not clear, therefore the committee agreed to schedule a meeting with Kenya Medical Supply Authority (KEMSA) to gain insights into KEMSA’s role. Dr Nyalita updated the committee of the move by National Quality Control Laboratory This move will create monopoly in analysis leading to lack of efficiencies and cost effectiveness.
Mr. Kevin Saola from Nestle Kenya informed the meeting that international trade has been experiencing barriers especially in the East Africa. “an example of current trade barrier between Kenya and Tanzania where locally manufactured products must undergo bureaucratic, Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) regulations. This has marked an increase in costs leading to poor competition.” Mr. Kevin Saola, Nestle.The committee’s focus areas for the year 2019 include: engaging KEMSA on UHC pilot counties’ supply chain, engage the NCQL board and the Ministry of Health on regulation and importation and engage the Ministry of Trade and EAC on export restrictions of Kenyan products Tanzania Bureau of standards