World AIDS Day (WAD) is commemorated each year on the 1st of December. The theme for WAD 2023 is ‘Let Communities Lead’. This theme highlights the pivotal role communities have had in shaping the HIV response, as well as global health at large.
Approximately 38.4 Million people are living with HIV globally. In Kenya, this number is estimated at 1.37 Million.
Of these, 1.29M are on ART and 89% of these are virally suppressed (MoH2023).
Looking at care provision for HIV in Kenya, many of the products are only available through the public sector yet the private sector makes up 50% of healthcare facilities as well as patient load. In addition, about 24% of clients are willing to pay to access HIV care services from the private sector (khaoya2021).
The HIV private sector engagement framework (2023-2028) is aimed at increasing access to affordable HIV prevention, care and treatment services by supporting private providers to complement the public sector’s efforts to increase HIV service delivery coverage using various strategies, including ART pick-ups at private pharmacies while ensuring quality care and client satisfaction.
The Kenya Healthcare Federation, in Consortium with PS Kenya and Halcyon Consulting in the USAID Funded PSE program will be working to support the development of an operationalization road map for private sector engagement framework (PSEF) for HIV services.