The 14th KHF Annual General Meeting

Kenya Healthcare Federation held its 14th Annual General Meeting focusing on the Chairman and CEO’s report for 2021 highlighting the successes and achievements in Health, Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2021, appointments of auditors and authorizing the directors to fix the remuneration of the auditors.

Dr. Kanyenje Gakombe, Chairman and Dr. Anastasia Nyalita, CEO, Kenya Healthcare Federation gave their annual report for 2021 highlighting the successes and achievements in Health such as Public-Private Dialogues, Advocacy Engagements, Partnerships & Projects and Members’ Engagement Forums.

She highlighting the new 2022 – 2026 Strategic Plan, drawing the organization’s roadmap for the next five years. It includes strategic pillars that will enable KHF to build on its achievements and lessons learned while responding to the ever-changing operational environment. “In the coming year, we look to expand this engagement and partnerships to higher levels that cross our national borders. Indeed, the COVID-19 Pandemic demonstrated that cooperation beyond our local borders is necessary for an efficient health system.” Dr. Nyalita concluded.

Judy Njino, Executive Director, Global Compact Network Kenya (GCNK) giving a presentation on The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and progress on the SDGs, and their support to the Private Sector during the 14th Kenya Healthcare Federation Annual General Meeting. Kenya Healthcare Federation has taken the initiative to join the United Nations Global Compact towards achieving quality healthcare by providing sustainable solutions in key thematic areas of Healthcare Sector.

Dr. Anastasia Nyalita KHF CEO, Dr. Kanyenje Gakombe KHF Chairperson, Judy Njino, Executive Director, GCNK and Vinod Guptan, KHF Director
Judy Njino, Executive Director, GCNK
Judy Njino, Executive Director, GCNK giving a presentation on The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact

Sharon Audi, Company Secretary, Kenya Healthcare Federation and Evelyn Kanjagwa representing our auditors took through the Members, the Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 2021. She highlighted the Federations information, Directors’ report and the notes of the financial statements.

Dr. Walter Obita, Director, Kenya Healthcare Federation made the closing remarks, express his deepest gratitude to the staff at the secretariat, the KHF members, and all our partners for your unwavering and continued support over the years and to all the KHF Members who participated in our 14th Annual General Meeting both physically and virtually.

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