Kenya Healthcare Federation hosted the Members’ Meeting on 24th March 2022. The Key highlight during this Forum is a presentation by The Global Fund Operations in Kenya, update on KCM Evolution Project & the 7th Global Fund Replenishment and the Performance of Global Fund grants in Kenya.
The KHF Members’ Meeting is a Private Sector Forum that brings together leading Healthcare Organizations within the KHF Membership, Partners including Ministry of Health Representation, Development Partners, Faith Based Organizations, Non – Governmental Organizations and other Stakeholders to discuss various emerging issues and success around the health systems.
During the meeting, a session on Kenya Coordinating Mechanism (KCM) for The Global Fund by Dr. Daniella Munene, the KHF representative at KCM Constituency made a presentation on the overview of the Global Fund operations in Kenya and the update on KCM Evolution Project. She emphasized one of the strategic objectives of the KCM is to engage constituencies and share Global Fund information transparently, equitably and accurately.
KCM Secretariat, Margaret Mundia also gave an update on the 7th Global Fund Replenishment stating the role of Private Sector in the 7th Replenishment.

Universal Corporation Limited, Managing Director, Palu Dhanani giving a presentation on the performance of Global Fund grants in Kenya in regards to Universal Corporation Limited stating that their focus is to identify and develop niche products and create differentiated value in the Global Generics Space.

During the final sessions of this forum, KHF sought to chart the way forward for 2022 along the 6 Committees with their Chairs and Vice Chairs representatives; KHF Director and Supply Chain Committee Chair, Vinod Guptan, KHF Health Regulations and Quality Standards Committee Chair, Millicent Olulo Orera and KHF Public Private Partnerships Committee Vice Chair, John Kamau.