KHF conducted the Two-Day Training of Trainers on Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Diagnostic Testing for Health Workers at the Implementation Level in National Nurses Association of Kenya (NNAK). This training program is designed towards scaling up capacity in the control of the COVID 19 pandemic by building a community of Trainers in Antigen testing. Fast, effective, and timely testing is very critical in preventing transmission and subsequently slowing down the spread of COVID 19.

During the data management and reporting session, MOH-NPHL, Elvis Kirui taught the trainers about the NHPL Portal and how to use it. This portal will be used by laboratory technicians for collecting data and reporting the covid-19 tests to the Ministry of Health.
There was a practical session for the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Diagnostic Testing where by the laboratory technicians were trained about the test kit content, specific sample collection and a demonstration by Facilitator MOH-NPHL, Solomon K Gikumbi. There was a brief Question and Answer Session between the guest speaker and the audience about the sample, collection and testing using RDT.

The facilitators of this training includes; MOH-NPHL, Lawrence Wamiti, MOH-NPHL Solomon K Gikumbi, MOH-NPHL Elvis Kirui and MOH-NPHL Irene Nachiro.