KHF partnered with Stanbic Bank Kenya to donate PPEs to Nakuru, Thika and Kiambu Counties

Kenya Healthcare Federation has partnered with Stanbic Bank Kenya to donate PPEs to Medical Institutions Nakuru, Thika and Nairobi Counties to help the country continue fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic.

On 15th March KHF and Stanbic Bank Kenya donated PPEs to Medical Institutions such as Newpoint Hospital, Mercy Mission Hospital – Annex Nakuru and ITARC Hospital all in Nakuru County to help the county continue fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic. The PPEs will go a long way to facilitate this initiative.

Newpoint Hospital
Mercy Mission Hospital - Annex
ITARC Hospital

On 16th March 2021, we visited Kiambu County to donate PPEs at various hospitals such as St. Matia Mulumba Mission Hospital – Thika, Nazareth Hospital and Grace Home Clinic in a bid to continue fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Donation was led by: KHF CEO Dr. Anastasia Nyalita, Executive Director Stanbic Bank Kenya Pauline W Mbayah, National Executive Secretary KCCB Jacinta Mutegi, Senior Marketing Manager Sanbic Bank Esther Ndugu and fellow KHF and Stanbic Team.

St. Matia Mulumba Misson Hospital
Nazareth Hospital
Grace Home Clinic

“This gesture is just in time considering the rise in numbers and the need to protect both staff and patients.” Sr. Celine Tatu, Hospital Administrator, St. Matia Mulumba Mission Hospital.

On 18th March 2021, we visited Nairobi County to donate PPEs to various Private Hospitals such as Uwezo Hospital & Maternity-KAYOLE and St. Francis Community Hospital in a bid to continue fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. In Uwezo Hospital, we were guided by Dr. Samwel Mbogwa – Director, Cecilia Muturi – Head of Nursing and Dr. David Onyango – Head of Clinic. We learned that they offer in patient and out patient services, physiotherapy and nutrition, child welfare clinic and Dental services and many other services. 

Uwezo Hospital
Uwezo Hospital Staff with Dr. Anastasia Nyalita
Dr. David Onyango and Dr. Anastasia Nyalita

Our final stop was St. Francis Community Hospital which is a Level-5 Faith-Based Teaching and Referral facility offering quality and affordable health care services. It is located along Kasarani – Mwiki Road, Nairobi. Thank you Sr. Dr. Joan – CEO, Jackson – Human Resource Manager and fellow team for the tour around the Hospital. It is run by the Little Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi under the Archdiocese of Nairobi.

St. Francis Community Hospital
St. Francis Community Hospital
Sr. Dr. Joan - CEO and Dr. Anastasia Nyalita

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