Kenya Healthcare Federation hosted the Members’ Meeting this year at the Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts, Nairobi. The meeting is led by its chairperson, Dr Amit N. Thakker and moderated by CEO, Dr. Anastasia Nyalita, board members and committee chairs.
KEPSA KENYA was also in attendance of the meeting.

The meeting was graced by the presence of guest speakers from the Global Fund Kenya Coordinating Mechanism (KCM) represented by Dr Peter Kimuu, chair of the Grant Making Team, the KCM Formal Private Sector Alternate member Dr Daniella Munene and KCM secretariat Daniella Munene and Ms. Margaret Mundia respectively. In the opening remarks, Dr Daniella spoke of the KCM’s constituency engagement and their objectives and purpose which included: sharing global fund information to stake holders and exploration of opportunities within the Global fund. The members were taken through an overview of Global Fund operations in Kenya and the status of Kenya’s funding request application to the Global Fund.

During the meeting, a session on Kenya Coordinating Mechanism (KCM) for Global Fund done by Dr. Daniella Munene, the KHF representative at KCM gave an overview of the Global Fund operations in Kenya and the funding application process.
Ms. Margaret Mundia gave an overview on Principal recipient and Sub recipient selection process, stating the eligibility requirements which include 6 basic requirements. The Principal recipient include the state and non-state body. Currently the bodies implementing the grant are the National Treasury, AMREF Health Africa and Kenya Red Cross-HIV. Dr Peter Kimuu, gave a brief presentation on update of the grant making and negotiation process. The principal recipients presented on their performance in the global fund grant highlighting their major achievements, lessons learned and challenges faced. Principal recipient AMREF was represented by Mr. John Wangai and KRC by Ms. Joyce Wanyonyi.
Ms. Margaret Mundia giving an overview on Principal recipient and Sub recipient selection process, stating the eligibility requirements which include 6 basic requirements.

The Member’s meeting was officially opened and chaired by the federation chair, Dr. Amit N Thakker. In his opening remarks, Dr. Amit thanked the Global fund team for their support and time to engage and update the members on Global Fund matters. He also thanked the members for their support and working together to curbing the pandemic effects in the healthcare system. He acknowledged the new members joining the federation in 2021 and welcomed them. He updated members of the various advocacy engagement KHF has held this year some of which include a curtesy call with the Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Health Hon. Mutahi Kagwe and engagement with the COVID-19 National Vaccination Planning team from the Ministry of Health. Discussions were held on ongoing governance framework for vaccine implementation and KHF is to represent the Private Health Sector in the national taskforce that will be undertaking the COVID 19 Vaccination Planning and Coordination.
The meeting was graced by Dr Stephen Muleshe, the National Covid 19 Vaccination Taskforce Lead Planning and Coordination who gave a presentation on the Covid 19 Vaccination Roll out and Private Sector Involvement. He highlighted the phases of the vaccination roll out which are in three phases and the Private Sector role in the roll out plan.

Dr. Stephen Muleshe, the National Covid 19 Vaccination Taskforce Lead Planning and Coordinator gave a presentation on the Covid 19 Vaccination Roll out and Private Sector Involvement which will see that 30% of Kenyans are vaccinated.
During the meeting, KHF sought to chart the 2021 way forward along the 6 committees namely; Healthcare Regulations, Quality and standards; Supply Chains; Private Partnerships; Human Resources for Health; and ICT and Mobile Health with their chairs and various representatives. The KHF Committees namely: Healthcare Financing, Supply Chain, Health regulations quality and standards, Public Private Partnership, ICT and Mobile Health and Human Resource for health, highlighted 2020 achievements and the focus areas for the year 2021.

The meeting which was well attended by members, guests, partners, and prospective members stirred up interactive conversations around the current affairs in the healthcare space both nationally and internationally.
Some of the members and partners present at the meeting included Ministry Of Health Kenya (MOH), KEPSA, Aga Khan Foundation, Health Store EA, GSK, The Nairobi Hospital, Good Life Pharmacy, Africa Health Business, Penda Healthcare, Zawade Brand Solutions, HUQAS, Roche, Jubilee Health Insurance, KMA, Novartis, , Medsource Group, Biomerieux, Heri Healthcare, International Cancer Institute, Elephant Healthcare, Systems Evaluation Limited, Cancer Care Kenya Limited, Africare Healthcare Network, Kenya Red Cross Society, Pharm Access Foundation, Imperial Managed Solutions, AMREF, Emergency Medical Services, Medixus, My Dawa, Think Well, FKPM, KCEMT, Helium Health, KVA, KCM, KDA, Surgipharm Limited, Convergent Medical Services, AIDSpan, Janst Healthcare, Strathmore University, Ponea Health, Jacaranda Healthcare Solutions, Nurse in Hand, Mariestopes Kenya Limited, Pract Health Consulting Limited, Maisha Poa Healthcare, KPA, Medex Expo Group Africa, AAR Healthcare, RUPHA, PSK.
Download the full report here.
Download the presentations used in the event here.