Kenya Healthcare Federation (KHF) – Healthcare Financing Committee (HFC) outlines Framework on achieving Universal Healthcare Coverage (UHC).
Kenya Healthcare Federation together with the Ministry of Health and Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) held their first ministerial Stake Holder Forum on the 17th April 2018 where the following were outlined as the key areas to focus on; Health Regulations, Healthcare Financing, Supply Chain, E-Health and Technology, Public Private Partnerships, Human Resources and Quality & Standards.

The Permanent Secretary (PS) – Health, Mr. Peter Tum, in his opening remarks, acknowledged that engagement with the private sector is important due to the critical role it plays in all areas of Health, most importantly; Policy development, Supply Chain of Health commodities, Service Delivery in terms of facilities, employment of Health Workers, Patient management, use of Technology, Research and specialized Training. He noted that only by synergising the Public and Private Sector can we achieve Universal Healthcare Coverage (UHC).
Mr. Isaac Nzyoka (Chair – KHF Healthcare Financing Committee) expressed support of the Government’s Agenda on UHC where he stated that there is need to strengthen the role of the private sector in terms of Healthcare Financing, because it has a lot to offer. Private Insurers have over 200 financial distribution centres in the country that can be very useful. He noted that one of the biggest challenges in UHC is reaching the entire Population. The Private Sector can achieve this through Technology that can enroll members and manage overall process efficiency.
From the MSF meeting outcomes, KHF Healthcare Financing Committee held a dinner meeting with Business Advocacy Fund (BAF) Technical Committee to understand the position of MOH in relation to Healthcare Finacing, Update on the BAF grant and discuss on how the UHC Subcommittee can provide assistance, understand KHF Position Paper on UHC updates and Healthcare financing policy position paper.
MOH’s Agenda on UHC is that all persons in Kenya can use the essential services they need for their Heath and their wellbeing through a single unified benefit package without the risk of financial hardship by the year 2023 through Promoting efficiency in allocation and use of existing resources, Equity in distribution of services and resources, Regulation of medical Health insurance sector, development of collaborative engagements with Private Medical Insurance Companies with a focus on Universal Health Coverage, Strengthening leadership and Governance within the Health sector for UHC, Quality people- centered services, accountability ,transparency and Passive to strategic purchasing.
KHF supports Universal Health Coverage through: a mixed model of both Private and Public for provision of services, a mixed model of both Private and Public for provision of risk pooling schemes, an enabling environment for Public and Private financiers/insurers/scheme Providers and appropriate regulation to promote
It was agreed that the KHF -UHC committee would be dissolved and will continue with its agenda under the HCF committee.
There was a consensus reached on a KHF provisional position in relation to Health Financing which will be strengthened through the BAF desk based research. BAF will be included in the monthly agenda for the HCF committee so that the committee can give feedback and advice to guide this advocacy initiative.
1 thought on “Healthcare Financing Committee (HFC) outlines Framework on achieving UHC.”
I what roles of health care financing committee