Members Meeting on 12th August 2021

The KHF Members meetings are forums hosted by the Kenya Healthcare Federation (KHF) to bring together Health Sector players from the Private Sector, Public Sector, Development Partner Groups, and other Stakeholders to discuss various emerging issues and success around the health system.

During the meeting we hosted a guest speaker from the Ministry of Health, National COVID – 19 Vaccination Programme Representation who did a presentation on COVID 19 – Vaccination Rollout and Private Sector Involvement.

The KHF members meeting was called to order at 11:00am by the KHF CEO Dr. Anastasia Nyalita who welcomed members to the meeting. KHF CEO Dr. Anastasia Nyalita briefly took members through the agenda putting emphasis on the guest presentation from the Ministry of Health Kenya (MOH) on COVID – 19 National Vaccine Rollout by Dr. Lucy Mecca.

Ministry of Health Kenya (MOH) on COVID – 19 National Vaccine Rollout Presentation

Ministry of Health – National Vaccine Animation Program, Dr. Lucy Mecca and her team shared the updates on the Covid – 19 Vaccine Deployment. This is where by the Ministry of Health began the COVID -19 vaccination exercise on 5th March 2021 with the AstraZeneca vaccine from Serum Institute in India. The Kenya Covid 19 vaccination deployment plan targets 60% of the adult population to be vaccinated by June 2022. Following a presidential directive, Kenya aims to have fully vaccinated 10 million Kenyans by December 2021.

Their approach involves; Kenya has developed a detailed Covid – 19 Multiple vaccination Deployment plan and is implementing a robust program to ensure that all eligible Kenyans are vaccinated. This is achieved using a phased approach which includes three phases;

  1. Phase 1: Health care workers and first responder staff like teachers, security forces etc.
  2. Phase 2: Phase 1 priority, Kenyans over 58 years old, and under 18 years with comorbid conditions.
  3. Phase 3: All Kenyans over 18 years old.

Kenya is also embracing technology in the management of the Covid vaccination program through the use of online system to track Kenyans vaccination Status. This system is known as “Chanjo System”. To mitigate the over reliance on a single source for Covid-19 vaccine, Kenya has diversified Covid vaccine supply in the short team and long term through Bilateral donations. 

On the preparedness for Covid 19 Multiple Vaccine Deployment, Kenya has developed a robust introduction and deployment plan to introduce multiple vaccines into the supply chain. To manage these diverse vaccines the focus of the approach are; 

  1. Microplanning with Counties
  2. Demand Generation
  3. Training and Capacity Building of Healthcare Workers.

Remarks from the Chairman

In his welcome remarks KHF chair Dr. Kanyenje Gakombe emphasized the role of the Private Sector in Health Security and Pandemic. The various include; National COVID-19 Vaccination roll-out, National COVID-19 Response and National Health Security Strategy. The impact of this is Leaving No one Behind, Continued support from Private Sector on communication from the Private Sector and Saving Lives and Livelihoods. The Proposed solutions involve Private Sector and Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) in the roll out of UHC / Vaccination roll out & National Health Security Strategy; and Nationwide Communication & Coordination Platform.

He also discussed on KEPSA / KHF Health Sector Economic Transformation Initiatives Collaboration with Ministry of Health and Government of Kenya. This is through Local Manufacturing and Inbound Medical Tourism/Medical Travel. The impact of this is to increase cost of care, disruption of supply and outbound Medical Travels/Tourism. The proposed solutions include Private Sector Collaboration with Ministry of Health on Economic Transformation and KHF/KEPSA/FINTRINET in collaboration with Ministry of Health to assign a representative and Public Sector involvement.

MOH/KHF Collaboration on Strategic Export Opportunities for Kenya Health Sector

News Updates on KHF

KHF Board of Directors led by the KHF Chair Dr. Kanyenje Gakombe paid curtesy calls to Ministry of Health Representatives including, CAS Rashid Aman, Ag. Director General Dr. Patrick Amoth, Health PS Susan Mochache and CAS Dr. Mercy Mwangangi.

KHF Leadership Team & CAS Rashid Amaan
KHF Leadership Team & Ag. Director General Dr. Patrick Amoth
KHF Board & Health PS Susan Mochache
KHF Leadership Team & CAS Dr. Mercy Mwangangi

Ministerial Stakeholders Forum (MSF)

Kenya Healthcare Federation and Ministry of Health had a successful Ministerial Stakeholders Forum (MSF) on 11th August 2021. The matters discussed included; NHIF, Covid – 19 Vaccination, Multiple Regulation of Lab Reagents, Health Laws and Health Regulations; and Digital Health Regulations. This forum involved Chief Administrative Secretary at Ministry of Health, Dr. Rashid Abdi Aman, BPharm., PhD and Chief Executive Officer at National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) – Kenya, Dr. Peter Kamunyo.

Committee Updates

Supply Chain Committee

Med Source CEO Vinod Guptan updated members on the below issues, possible impact and proposed solutions;

Healthcare Financing Committee

KHF CEO Dr. Anastasia Nyalita updated the meeting on the below issues, possible impact and proposed solutions;

Health Regulations Quality and Standards

Systems Evaluation Quality Improvement Advisor, Oduor Otieno updated the meeting on the below issues, possible impact and proposed solutions;

Human Resource for Health Committee

Head of Clinic Business Operations at AAR Healthcare Kenya, Dr. Joyce Sitonik updated the meeting on the below issues, possible impact and proposed solutions;

ICT and Mobile Health Committee

Sales & Marketing Director, Torooti Mwirigi updated the meeting on the below issues, possible impact and proposed solutions;

Public Private Partnership Committee

ThinkWell Country Director, Dr. Anne Musuva updated the meeting on the below issues, possible impact and proposed solutions;

Upcoming Events and Projects

KHF CEO Dr. Anastasia Nyalita took members through the upcoming events as per the KHF calendar.

KHF Events.

  1. Member’s Meeting – October 2021
  2. End Year Event (Health Sector Round up 2021)
  3. MSF – November 2021
  4. Committee Meeting – November 2021
  5. The 7th Devolution Conference – 23rd – 26th August 2021
  6. East Africa Healthcare Federation Conference (EAHF) – 9th – 10th September 2021

KHF Projects.
Current Projects and Activities.

  1. Africa Research Economic Consortium (AERC) Project
  2. MSP2 Kenya (in partnership with BMZ, Malteser International, Amref)
  3. Allm Market Research Project
  4. Wheels for Life Initiative
  5. Payer Provider Engagements

There being no AOB, KHF Director, Francis Karanja thanked members for making it to the meeting and the meeting was adjourned.

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