Vinod Guptan
Vice Chairperson - Kapi
Supply chain Committee of Kenya Healthcare Federation TORs
KHF is the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) umbrella health sector representative body which is ddedicated to engaging the government and all relevant stakeholders towards achieving quality healthcare through enabling policies that maximise the contribution of the private sector.
Supply Chain Committee
The supply chain committee will focus on issues that affect the supply of healthcare commodities from their manufacturer to access by patients. The following are the healthcare commodities of focus
- Pharmaceutical products
- Biological products
- Medical devices
- Diagnostics
Issues likely to affect supply chain include:
- Regulation and laws affecting manufacture if healthcare commodities
- Policies and Regulations on Regulation and taxation of Healthcare commodities
- Policies and Regulations affecting supply and distribution of Healthcare commodities.
Terms of Reference for the KHF-Supply Chain Committee
- Promote enactment and enforcement of policies and Regulations that support patient access to safe, efficacious and quality commodities
- Promote effective Regulation the supply chain
- Promote patient access to healthcare commodities
- Provide support for adoption of innovative and affordable healthcare commodities
- Promote networking with Ministry of Health. county governments and other development partners supporting supply chain development
Members of Supply Chain Committee
Supply Chain Committee is represented by the following organizations who are members of KHF.
- Health Strat
- Kenya Association of Pharmaceutical Industry (KAPI)
- Pharmaccess Foundation
- Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya
- PS Kenya
- IBM Research
- Imperial Health Science Kenya Ltd.
- Karen Hospital
- Kenya Medical Association
- Imperial Health Science Kenya Ltd.
- Hultons Limited
- Tai Medical Centre
- Pharmatis Laboratories LTD
- Harleys Limited
- Mariestopes Limited
- Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya (PSK)
- Good life Pharmacy